Friday, July 6, 2012

The Nile

I’m loving every single second of my days here in Jinja.  In case you haven’t heard, I’m living (working) at an orphanage for children with disabilities. I’m going to write tons on that later but I’m much too tired to even start putting all of this into words. Things here are so different than they were in Busia. From the moment I wake up till the moment I go to sleep I am having a blast. It’s strange but I feel as if that’s a bad thing.  I’m a little weighed down with guilt when I realize how much I’m enjoying this. Now don’t get me wrong, I have more love for this country, these people, and what I’ve done here the past two summers than could fit in the Pacific Ocean.  It’s just that being in a bigger town with more Americans, more dependable power, and access to yummy food, I feel as if I’m somehow cheating. Please be praying that I don’t get too comfortable or get lost in all the fun that I stop learning, or being challenged, or speaking the name of Jesus.
Here’s a little snippet out of my journal from the first day I got to Jinja.  Contrary to popular belief, the Nile River ctually streams outside of Egypt. So for my quiet times from now until August I get to do them looking down upon it.(Scripture added later for emphasis.)
 I feel like in so many ways this river symbolizes you, God. These fishermen look like me. 
 It is such a source of life - just as you are.  It provides the food that the locals need to live just as I as a Christians have Jesus, the Bread of Life to nourish my body, soul, and spirit. “Then Jesus declared, "I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never go hungry, and he who believes in me will never be thirsty.” John 6:35 It is so big, strong, and powerful.  It is a rushing river.  It is not a stream, a creek, a brook like those lesser gods that try to imitate you but fail miserably. None can compare! This is the real thing.  Just like you. “There is none like you among the gods, O Lord, nor are there any works like yours.” Psalm 86:8 As I peer down this hill and watch the men sitting in hallowed out trees acting as canoes, I am reminded of a lesson I’ve learned many times – most of the time I’m reminded of the hard way.  This is it: If I am working with  you and for you, just as some of these men are moving down stream, with the strong current, then I have the supernatural power of something much greater than myself to keep me going.  As those men swiftly dart down the river waters their boats are kept on the straight and narrow.  There is a strength so strong that they can sit back and enjoy the ride. “What, then, shall we say in response to this? If God is for us, who can be against us?” Romans 8:31   Although in many ways they are still in control of their boat- they could stick their paddles in and change their direction- they don’t have to or need to.  They can trust the river to keep taking them where they need to go.  Just like you, Holy Spirit who is our great director, softly whispering where we should follow you to. “But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all truth.” John 16:13 On the other hand are the other half of the men.  Moving upstream they fight against you and what you’re doing.  As I look down at one boat in particular that has stayed in pretty much the same place for the past 20 minutes, I can see that their strength is quickly being drained as they try to fight the powerful current.  This is what I look like when I try to take things into my own hands.  Pitiful and helpless.  The front of their boat is continually pointing in different directions as they try to find and angle that will work and get them going.  It reminds me that I want to be moving downstream.  Always working with you instead of against.  On your team.  Some days I might catch a hundred fish and sometimes I might catch none.  What I do know is that I need to everyday cast my line and sit back and enjoy the journey.  Ever hoping to reel them into your eternal kingdom. "Come, follow me," Jesus said, "and I will make you fishers of men." Matthew 4:19  At the end of the river is the owner of the market.  He can either say, “Great job, good and faithful servant.  Look at all these fish.  With you I am well pleased.  Or God, I mean the market owner could shout, “Away with you.  I never knew you!  You have no fish and we’re always trying to go the other direction.  You were fighting it till the end.  You only ended up here because no one can beat the great waters and this is where the current brought you. In the end, everyone lands here – to face me."  Yes, God.  You like this river, never change.  Always moving in the same direction. “I the LORD do not change” Malachi 3:6  It is our choice to be either working with you or against you. 
I’m really enjoying this boat ride.  I’ll keep throwing in my line.  Thanks for the great bait, Jesus.  Looking forward to the market!  Despite my few trips upstream and the fish I didn’t get that you had for me, I want to hear the words, “Good and faithful servant, with you I am well pleased.”

Jeremiah 31:9
“They will come with weeping; they will pray as I bring them back.  I will lead them by streams of water on a level path.” 

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